Introducing: Spooky or Not
As humans who exist in the universe, we all face a constant problem: identifying whether situations are spooky or not spooky.
What’s that strange rattling sound in the woods? Was that a person walking past the window? What’s up with that small figure you keep seeing way off in the distance, always watching but never approaching? How worried should you be? Is this stuff spooky, or not? Man, you don’t know! You’ve got other things to think about!
Don’t worry, friends. I’m here to help.
Over the course of October, I’ll be presenting you with a number of strange and mysterious true stories. Together, we’ll take them apart, examine them in detail and render a verdict: is today’s mystery…
What does it mean to be Certified Spooky?
Here, we’re delving into a great mystery. All of us can instinctively identify spookiness due to a sixth sense that evolved in the time of our ancestors, when we fought vampires and trolls or whatever. We know it when we see it. But how do we define it?
For the purpose of this blog series, spookiness is any part of a mystery that’s unusually strange, doesn’t seem to fit with the accepted explanation, has no explanation at all, seems to legitimately lead to a supernatural conclusion, or just generally makes you sit back in your seat and go “damn, that’s spooky.” It’s all very scientific.
In the comments, you can weigh in on whether you agree with my expert analysis. If you want, you can even present your own stories and mysteries, whether they happened to you personally or not. Just don’t make anything up. I’m watching you. Yes, all of you, simultaneously.
Forest photo by Rosie Fraser on Unsplash
Office photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash (office)